My Photo
Name: Emma Katz

Sunday, April 1, 2007


The companion post...

1. Paul posing with Sunday Roast.

2. Sea lions at the beach on KI.

3. Group Photo on the Remarkable Rocks. I'm the one looking goofy in the white hat.

4. Crazy pelicans being fed by even crazier fisherman!

5. Forgot to mention, we stopped at the Big Lobster on the way to Melbourne. Its actually a big crayfish, but you get the idea.

6. Blowing away at the 12 Apostles, the most famous rocks in water along the Great Ocean Road (and there aren't even 12 of them anymore!).

7. Loch Ard Gorge, site of the infamous cave adventure.

8. My favorite Great Ocean Road roadsign. You wonder, how did you get to the highway in the first place if you haven't figure this out yet...


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