My Photo
Name: Emma Katz

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Tassie Pics!

I finally got to a computer that does things! Here are some highlights from my week in Tassie.

1. One of a million pictures I took on the Gordon River Cruise out of Strahan:

2. Me and the dog I made friends with:


4. Inside the Port Arthur Church:

5. On the way down Mt Wellington:

6. Overlooking Wineglass Bay at Freycinet:


C.J. said...

I see you've been cheating on Bailey! He's here crying... or whimpering... whatever it is that cute dogs do when people cheat on them with some tramp they find in another country. I hope you're happy.

Uh... anyway, it looks like you're having a great time; keep posting pictures.

Love ya,

March 4, 2007 9:32 PM  
CAP said...

Love your pictures. Looks beautiful!



March 5, 2007 8:39 PM  

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