Taking it Easy
I'm officially sick again! Arg! Its nothing like last time, just a bad cold, but I've decided to spend the day inside and just read and sleep. Last night I was supposed to be volunteering, but I called in sick. I did make it to the matinee I had tickets for- a children's musical called "The Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie and Little Ragged Blossom". It was pretty cute, but the music wasn't anything special and I felt out of place without my own 5 year old to bring along. But it is the first new musical I've seen at the Fringe, so I think it was worthwhile.
Other than that, I'm just trying to take it easy, as the title says. I'm just sick enough that I don't have the energy to go out, but not so sick that its not boring to sit at home... which I guess is why I'm posting without anything to say. I guess I'll go do my laundry and read my book and blow my nose some more. The fun never stops!
Other than that, I'm just trying to take it easy, as the title says. I'm just sick enough that I don't have the energy to go out, but not so sick that its not boring to sit at home... which I guess is why I'm posting without anything to say. I guess I'll go do my laundry and read my book and blow my nose some more. The fun never stops!
get better quick! lots of love coming from all of us here in cambridge... xoxoxox
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