Just got back from Glenelg, which is where the beach is outside of Adelaide. Its not a very nice beach, but I went with a bunch of people from the hostel- Dutch girls Meryl, Lot, and Anka, a German girl, an Austrian girl, and two other Dutch guys. While we were there we also met up with Anka's friend who she met on the airport shuttle bus into town, an American (amazing! only the 4th or 5th one I've met this whole time!) guy named Nathan. We mainly just sat on the beach and talked, went swimming briefly- the water is very shallow and flat more like the bay than the ocean- and I walked around the shopping strip and bought a new cell phone. Its alarming how much of a relief it is to just have a phone on you, just to feel somehow connected even though its mostly just an illusion or a state of mind. I think it is incredibly addictive.
When we got back from the beach I went and bought some groceries and now I'm planning to shower and read and relax for the rest of the evening. So yeah, not much of an update here, but it is my day off from the Fringe after all. Tomorrow I'm going to a workshop on how to organize theater festivals, which should be cool. Keep commenting- even if my posts are not very exciting!
When we got back from the beach I went and bought some groceries and now I'm planning to shower and read and relax for the rest of the evening. So yeah, not much of an update here, but it is my day off from the Fringe after all. Tomorrow I'm going to a workshop on how to organize theater festivals, which should be cool. Keep commenting- even if my posts are not very exciting!
Yay Emma! I love non-updates. That's usually what my emails consist of.
I just did a giant catch-up on your blog--I'm afraid that I wasn't as good at reading it as I would have liked, but it's because I got a new job! I'm working at the Met Opera now! Loving it, but just now is my life returning to normalcy.
In any case, I'm thinking about you a lot! Have fun at the Fringe!
This was the quote of the day on Google. It made me think of your comment about needing to have a cell phone.
I don't own a cell phone or a pager. I just hang around everyone I know, all the time. If someone wants to get a hold of me, they just say 'Mitch,' and I say 'what?' and turn my head slightly.
- Mitch Hedberg
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