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Name: Emma Katz

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Granny Flat

Although I planned to be writing from the Witch's Hat hostel in Perth, another change of plans has brought me to the home of Fiona and Michael Willoughby- skiing friends of my parents, and also retired doctors. They offered to host me for a few days after finding out that I was sick, and it looks like I might be here till Wednesday when their son comes to visit. I'm staying in what they call a "granny flat", despite the fact that they are both grandparent's themselves. I have my own bathroom and kitchen, sliding glass doors looking out onto their garden, and I'm a 15 minute walk from the beach. The only problem is the spiders- there are more than I'd like and supposedly some are poisonous, although not lethal unless you are very young or very old. Since there are dangerous spiders, the attitude seems to be that the larger non-dangerous spiders should be allowed to live and flourish so that they will eat the dangerous ones. I guess it makes sense, but it is a little hard to get used to.

Speaking of dangerous creatures, I'm planning to walk down to the beach shortly and I've also been warned to watch out for snakes in the dunes. Yikes. If only Fire Island had poisonous snakes in the dunes, then my dad would have a much easier time keeping people from walking on them. Although, everyone seems very relaxed about the snakes and the spiders, probably because it is just normal to live with them and deal with them. Maybe I'll get used to it too.

So, there's not much else to report. I'm safe in Perth, feeling healthy except that I don't feel like eating much. I got a tour around the city yesterday by Michael- it's a pretty small city. The hostel I was going to stay in looked very nice, but it was kinda separated from the city center and the neighborhood it was in seemed very suburban- technically part of the city, but not even as much of a city as Cambridge. So, when I leave here I might go stay at a hostel on the beach. C.J. said I must really be sick not to be automatically jumping at the chance to be on the beach- I guess he has a point.

Tonight I'm meeting up with Andrew's daughter Nicky and I'm going to ask her advice also. She recommended the beach hostel to me, so hopefully she'll just cement my decision. In any case, I'll keep you posted!



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